Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Bold Life - Humble Hearts are Boldly Confident

Message: Kim LawsonTitle: Humble Hearts are Boldly Confident
Topic: Being broken/humbled by God develops a bold confidence
Series: The Bold Life Theme: Humility / Brokenness / Confidence / Faith Text: (2 Samuel 11-1 Kings 2)

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Bold Life - Tested Hearts are Boldly Ambitious

Title: Tested hearts are boldly ambitious
Topic: When we pass God's tests we are ready and willing to be successful
Series: The Bold Like
Theme: Trials / Testing / godly desire and ambition
Text: 2 Samuel 1 - 10

Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Bold Life - Faithful Hearts are Boldly Persistent

Message: David LawsonTitle: Faithful Hearts are Boldly PersistentSeries: The Bold Life
Topic: Faith in God enables us to persevere through hardship Theme: Faith / hope / endurance / persistence in believing the promise he would be king / perseverance Text: 1 Samuel 18-31

Sunday, March 03, 2019

The Bold Life - Pure Hearts are Boldly Courageous

Message: David Lawson
Title: Pure Hearts are Boldly Courageous
Series: The Bold Life Topic: Pure hearts enable us to trust God confidently Themes: purity / integrity / self-control / freedom Text: 1 Samuel 8-17